
Source:互联网           2018-02-17 10:01:55      7032 views


25 greetings, sayings and quotes to wish someone

各位胡椒网网友,值此新春佳节之际,祝广大胡椒网网友新春快乐、狗年旺旺!身体健康、万事如意! 从国外网站上收集了25句中国新年祝福翻译用语,分享给大家

1) 狗年吉祥 – Good luck for the year of the dog

2) 狗年大吉 – Lots of luck for this year of the dog

3) 春节快乐 – Happy Spring Festival

4) 吉祥如意 – Good fortune according to your wishes

5) 心想事成 – May all your wishes come true

6) 新年快乐 – Have a Happy New Year

7) 财源广进 – May wealth flow in

8) 一帆风顺– May your life go smoothly

9) 步步高升 – May every step take you higher

10) 升官发财 – May you win promotion and get rich

11) 笑口常开 – May you smile often

12) 和气吉祥全家乐 – Wish you harmony and joy for the whole family

13) 四季平安过旺年 – Wish you four seasons of peace and a flourishing year

14) 五福临门 – May the five blessings come to you (These are longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death)

15) Hé qì shēng cái – May harmony bring wealth

16) 年年有余 – May you have abundance every year

17) 大吉大利 – May you have great luck and great profit

18) 生意兴隆 – Prosperous business

19) 学习进步 – Progress in studies

20) 金榜题名– Success in the examination

21) 阖家欢乐 – Felicity of the whole family

22) 工作顺利 – May your work go smoothly

23) 平步青云 – Have a meteoric rise

24) 身体健康– Enjoy good health

25) 吉星高照 – Fortune will smile on you

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