
Source:原创           2022-02-27 12:45:36      4469 views


    在美国,人们常用“ Minnesota Nice"来夸明州人彬彬有礼、有教养、克制谦逊。在电视剧《How I met your mother》(老爸老妈罗曼史)中有这样的对白桥段:


    Robin:You are so Minnesota. You can't not answer the phone, because it would be rude. 你太明州范儿了——你不会挂电话,因为那样太没礼貌。那么,现实中的明州人真的不会挂陌生人来电(比如推销电话)吗?




    顺便说说本站客服反映的拨打美国电话的情况:美国绝大部分公司不会直接挂断电话,也确实有的公司不会愿意进行转接,或直接说not interested或者是让发邮件。


    I am currently in inside sales. I've handled both inside and outside sales on a national and local level. I am NOT in telemarketing, but business to business sales, and I have been very successful and built long term business relationships. One thing distinct about Minnesota businesses is that they are somewhat unresponsive to new business over the phone and somewhat rude in certain cases. I almost feel as if they are suspicious that I'm trying to screw them over when in fact my business helps other businesses. Why is that? One example of what I'm talking about is that many receptionists will not even allow you to talk to the person you are trying to reach. Instead of giving a specific reason of why they aren't interested, they will just repeat the same line that makes no sense, like "not interested" or "we're okay". Maybe they think they're being polite because they threw a "thank you" at the end of it, but it almost sounds passive-aggressively mean in their tone of voice when they say it. Other parts of the country many people who are not able to use services or products will explain to you why or discuss with you some other opportunities. East coast is very straight to the point and will tell you in one sentence why it might now work, and they're very open minded. Texas will tell you their life story. California is all about it, they could care less, they work 5 hour days and are living a vacation. Maybe the cold just makes Minnesotans bitter? Minnesotans are just very turned off and extremely skeptical of sales people.

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